Beauty Standards.

Every country in the world has its own beauty standards. Let us talk about our nationality, and our countries. Indonesia.

In my opinion, Indonesia’s beauty standards its quite familiar to us though. Has beauty standards such as; has fair skin, a glowing face, a slim body, a tall, pointed nose, and enchanted eyes.

The most familiar one is fair skin. Like, every people should have fair skin. This beauty standards statement has a kind of bad paradigm. In this country, some people have brown skin than fair skin. But why do our people have an opinion that fair skin is much better than brown skin?

First reason; Standardization.

Because our people *some of them have a strong thought that fair skin is better. On the other hand, almost all of Indonesia’s popular actors and actresses have fair skin. Therefore, all in all, this perspective is hereditary and spread among our people. 

The second reason is; People love something that they do not have.

I found it on Quora. Just now. I consider that a public secret. 

Third reason; is Symbolize.

Some of our people think that fair skin is symbolize enchanted, clean, pure, and not dirty. So, willy nilly almost all women get used to accepting it.
